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Cuban family trees

Cuban surname compilations

Genealogy data bases

Sharing your family tree

Cuban Family Trees


This page includes family trees and personal genealogy pages of Cuban and Cuban-related hispanic families that have been posted on the Internet or are available on CubaGenWeb.

CubaGenWeb is not resposible for any information appearing on web sites outside of CubaGenWeb. Content of family trees and personal genealogy pages, including those appearing on CubaGenWeb, is solely the responsibility of the individual authors


dingCuban Family Trees and Personal Genealogy Pages:

(sites focused on a single family or a small group of closely related families)

* link courtesy of Mariela Fernandez


dingCuban Surname Compilations:

(sites containing numerous unrelated families)


dingMajor Genealogy Data Bases

This list, although not restricted to Cuban or Hispanic families, lists the major searchable genealogy data bases available on the Internet:


dingSharing your family tree

If you are interested in sharing your family tree on-line, we highly recommend that you first read our advice page:

Please make sure to filter or block all information relative to living persons before posting such data. Failure to do so could result in this information being extracted and used for criminal or other illegal purposes, possibly harming the person or family.

Please do not send us your actual family tree or data base. We much prefer if you publish it on your own and just send us a link. This preserves your legal rights and gives you the freedom to make changes and updates. Thank you.

If you have created such a site and would like us to include it on the list please send us an e-mail to the address at the bottom of the page.


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Cuban Family Trees - Updated 14-Sep-2013

Copyright © 2007-2013 - Ed Elizondo
All Rights Reserved - Todos los Derechos Reservados


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