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CubaGenWeb Site Statistics for March 2014



Please note that our Web hosting service has changed the software that produces these analytic studies. As a result, these numbers may not be directly comparable to older numbers.


ding Traffic Volume

Here are the statistics for the month of March 2014:

  • The average number of unique visits per day was 1,120

  • There were 34,716 unique visits during the month.

All page impressions from the same computer are summarized as one visit. The visits are uniquely identified on the basis of the IP address and the browser ID. As several people may share a computer (e.g. in a cybercafe), the number of visits may not be the same as the number of visitors.

ding Pages

The most frequently requested pages during the month were:


  1. CubaGenWeb Home Page
  2. Passenger Search.php (page that does the actual search of passengers data base).
  3. Busque Sus Apellidos (Spanish version of Look up your Surnames)
  4. Direcciones y Telefonos de Cuba Spanish version of Cuban Addresses and Telephone Numbers)
  5. Centro de la Genealogía Cubana (Spanish version of CubaGenWeb Home Page)
  6. Base de Datos de Pasajeros (Spanish version of Passenger Data Base)
  7. Look up your Surnames
  8. Formulario de Busquedas para Base de Datos de Pasajeros (Spanish version of Search Form for Passenger Data Base)
  9. Direcciones y Teléfonos - Provincia y Ciudad de la Habana (Spanish version of Telephone numbers and addresses in the Province and City of Habana)
  10. Donde Encontrar Información (Spanish version of Where to find information).


ding Countries

During the month, the most active countries accessing our site were:

  1. USA - 14,963 visits (54%)
  2. China - 2,670 visits (10%)
  3. Spain - 1,688 visits (6%)
  4. Germany - 1,398 visits (5%)
  5. United Kingdom - 736 visits (3%)
  6. Mexico - 623 visits (2%)
  7. Russia - 602 visits (2%)
  8. France - 475 visits (2%)
  9. Cuba - 471 visits (2%)
  10. Canada - 438 visits (1%)


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CubaGenWeb Site Statistics - Updated 06-Apr-2014

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